joinchit paychit
Today Rate's : Gold 22ct: 7945/Gram | Silver: 107/Gram
Last Update Time : 08-02-2025 09:29:48 am


 Online saving scheme is paying your Jewellery Saving Scheme through online payment system, the mode of payment can be Credit / Debit card and Net banking using our mobile app/website.

 Customer could join and pay through online and offline in our showroom.

  Online Payment modes: Credit / Debit card, Net banking and Wallets.

  Showroom customer: Cash/Cheque/DD/ECS/Credit Card/Debit Card.

  Yes. A customer could join multiple schemes and payment can be made through online/offline.

  No, New and existing customers could pay Online by registering with their respective details as follows

  Existing customer: Person who is having Saving Scheme with Bhoopalam Jewellery already referred to as “Existing Customer”. Those existing customers could register online with their Scheme Number provided by Bhoopalam Jewellery.

  Yes, E-receipt could be generated at your Online Dash Board. SMS & Email confirmation also will be provided by Bhoopalam Jewellery for each transactions. Customers could print the E Receipt for further reference.

  No, any additional charges will not be collected apart from your savings amount with Bhoopalam Jewellery.

  Yes, you can pay your delayed dues without any additional charges but only by the approval of Bhoopalam Jewellery.